Working with:

    Philips Healthcare
    Philips Incubator
    Catalyst Consulting, Associate Partner
    NHS Wales
    Heartlands Hospital NHS Trust
    Ashford St Peters NHS Trust
    St George's Hospital, Tooting
    Covidien, now Medtronic
    UKRC – Moderator
    Mentor to GPs and Consultants

Articles and Publications

Continuous Quality Improvement comes from the ability to: use evidence to Diagnose the problem, facilitate teams to Redesign their service and empower staff to Sustain and improve on the gains, underpinned by committed Leadership.

Having worked and gained expertise with clinical teams across England, Ireland and the USA, her expertise has been recognised nationally and internationally, speaking in New Orleans, Seattle and Denver, Scandanavia, Northern and Southern Ireland.

The following articles and publications were written by Lesley Wright or co-produced with NHS Improvement:

HSJ Good Management


National Health Executive


ACP News


Synergy Radiology


Clinical Radiology








  • Professor Helen Bevan

    Lesley has a phenomenal knowledge base and expertise in improvement science and an outstanding track record in transforming diagnostic services.

  • Cindy Jimmerson, Lean Healthcare West, Montana, USA (Author of: A3 problem solving for Healthcare and Value stream mapping for Healthcare made easy)

    Lesley Wright presented at our annual conference, reporting on the advance of healthcare in the NHS related to Lean. Her enthusiasm and creativity in the work that she guided were clearly contributors to the success of the improvements.

  • Dr Simon Knowles, National Clinical Lead for Cyto-Histopathology

    Lesley’s approach to pathway improvement is rigorous and pivots around a strong focus on baseline data. She approaches each new project with genuine clarity and, because of a commitment to “learning by doing” she is able to impart a similar critical vision to the clinical teams she works with. The true measure of success in continuous quality improvement is sustainability. It is a testament to Lesley’s leadership that so many of the pilot sites continue to survive and thrive at a high level, unsupervised up to five years after the initial intervention.